
October 5, 2011


Sorry I disappeared the last couple weeks. To say I've been busy is a huge understatement. But after this week, I have a 7 week break from school. I cannot tell you how excited I am!
As much as I would like to totally decompress by doing nothing, I have a huge list of all the crafting and projects I want to do. So get ready, you'll get to follow along on all the excitement!

Today, I want to bring you a tip that has helped me immensely!!
In the last couple weeks I've had some tutu orders to fill. This requires strips and strips...and strips of tulle. I used to sit and stretch the roll of tulle out along a yard stick over and over and cut for (what seemed like) hours on end.

This trick saves me all those hours of cutting tulle. And really, it would work for any fabric that you need lots of strips of.
Step One: cut a piece of cardboard the same length you need your strips to be.  It could be any size big or small for whatever project you are doing. I made my board wide so that I could wrap 2-3 different colors of tulle on the same board.

Step Two: Adhere your fabric to the board, lining it up with the edge of the board. Here, I used a straight pin. You could use almost anything, I'm sure.

Step Three: Wrap your fabric around your board a million bunch of times. Remember when you cut, you will end up with pieces from the front and the back. (If you need 64 pieces of fabric, you need to wrap your fabric 32 times around the board.)

 Step Four: Once you're finished wrapping, adhere the fabric to your board again (so when you cut, it will stay in place.) I used a straight pin again.

Step Five: Cut! Cut at both the top and the bottom of the board. I simply slip my scissors between the board and the fabric, then slide the scissors to the edge of the board to cut.

Take out your straight pins (or whatever you used to keep your fabric on the board) and you are ready to go!
Isn't that easy?! After I started cutting fabric strips this way, I can't believe I used to waste my time doing it any other way!

Since I make tutus often, and in different lengths, I just label my boards so I'm ready to go next time.

I hope this helps you during your next project when you need a lot of fabric strips. It will save your life! ...No will give you hours of your life you might other-wise waste!

I'll be sharing this tip here and at these parties this week. Check them out for thousands of other craft ideas!

Hope you're having a great week!


  1. Thank you so much Marilyn! I will be sure to visit your link party!

  2. I love them and that is such a good tip so much quicker thank you. Thank you so much sharing and for linking up to our party Show and Share this week! Come on back this Wednesday to link up your current projects.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  3. What a brilliant idea and I love that you can reuse the board once you label it appropriately. Awesome.

  4. I make tutus like this too so thanks for this awesome tip! measuring and cutting the tulle always takes me forever!

    Thanks for linking up to scrappy saturdays last weekend, come on back and link up again!


  5. Hi Andrea, thank you for sharing such a great tip. I recently found your blog and am now following. Please pop on over and visit my blog and perhaps you would also like to follow me. I would love that. Hugs, Chris

  6. Chris, thank you! I'm happy to follow you! Thanks for sharing your blog!


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